23 . Jan . 22

Newborn & Baby (0 - 18 months)

Checklist: What to pack in your Nappy Bag

Getting out and about is a great way to get fresh air, catch up with family or friends, and help entertain your children. However, it can sometimes feel like a big effort to think of, and pack, everything you’ll need for a day out or even just for a quick trip out of the house with your little one.

Being prepared and packing your Nappy Bag ahead of time can relieve some of the stress felt when trying to remember items just before you leave home. Getting into the habit of repacking or refreshing your bag when you return home after each outing will ensure you’re not caught out the next time you grab your bag to leave the house!

The items you need to take with you will change based on your child’s age, so we’ve prepared a few checklists for what to pack in your baby bag for each stage, including; the essentials, what to pack for newborns, toddlers, and of course, what to bring for yourself!

For newborns

What to pack in your nappy bag for newborns.

Nappies; and lots of them!

A general guide is one nappy for each hour you’ll be out, plus a few extra. This will cover you for most situations, but you’ll soon learn your own babies’ nappy needs and have a better idea of how many you go through day-to-day.

Nappy rash cream (if required)

Using a sample or travel size is handy for your nappy bag, so it doesn’t weigh your bag down. Just remember to top it up from your home container if running low!


Whether you’re using water wipes, reusable wipes or others, remember to pack a stash in a waterproof container, zip lock bag or packet in your nappy bag. Wipes also come in handy for spills, stains, dirty hands or surface cleaning.

Change mat

Some nappy bags come with their own reusable change mat for on-the-go nappy changes.

Hat and sun protection

Include newborn-friendly SPF cream.

Nappy disposal bags

Or a reusable wet bag for when you’re not near a bin.

Spare clothes for your baby

A complete set of extra clothes, plus suitable extras such as a swim nappy or warm clothes (jumper, socks, beanie), depending on the weather.

One or multiple spare dummies (if using them)

A favourite toy or teething ring

Formula or expressed breastmilk (if you’re bottle feeding) and other accessories required

Having a spare set of sterilised bottle teats ready to go in your nappy bag can be very handy to save time preparing them before you leave the house.

Burp cloth, muslin wrap and a warmer blanket if it is cool weather

These can be used for multiple purposes, such as for sitting on the ground to picnic, wrapping your baby in if cold, and cleaning up any messes.

Plastic, biodegradable or reusable waterproof bags for wet or dirtied clothes

Baby nail clippers or file

You never know when those sharp little baby nails are going to need a quick trim or file!

Pram Clips

To roll away and secure your sun shade or insect net when not in use.

For toddlers

What to pack in your nappy bag for toddlers.

Nappies (if using them)

You’ll learn your own toddlers' nappy needs and have an idea of how many you go through day-to-day, but always pack an extra couple just in case!


Even if you’re past the nappy stage, wipes are also very useful for spills, stains, dirty hands, or surface cleaning.

Spare clothes for your toddler

Especially if your child is toilet training, you’ll need spare underwear, pants, socks, and maybe even shoes!

Snacks and food

Plus other eating accessories like bibs, spoons, and bowls. Also consider bringing an icepack to keep things cool, or check if your baby bag has an insulated pocket for storing food and bottles.

A no-spill sippy cup or water bottle

A dummy or other comfort item (if your child uses one)

Hat and sun protection

Include toddler-friendly SPF cream.

Plastic, biodegradable or reusable waterproof bags

For wet or dirtied clothes.


Toddlers are prone to runny noses.

Toys, books, colouring accessories, or other entertainers

A first-aid kit

Even just the basic items that will help with those playground scrapes and bruises. Any prescribed medications your child is taking, painkillers (age-appropriate), thermometer, tweezers, antiseptic cream, insect bite cream, and bandaids are all helpful first-aid items.

For you

What to pack in your nappy bag for you!

The essentials

Includes wallet, keys and phone. Make sure you have your family doctor's phone number and other emergency contacts in your phone, and your Medicare card in your wallet.

Sun protection

SPF cream for you and your children, sunglasses, hat, and insect repellent if you’re prone to bites!

Other comforts

Lip balm, hand cream, gum or mints, headphones to listen to music, podcasts or audiobooks while you’re walking.

Snacks, food, and water for yourself

Breast pads, nipple cream, and sanitary items if needed

Nursing cover if using one

Hand sanitiser

Check for one with no alcohol in it – they can affect fabric and leatherette on your clothes, nappy bag or pram handle bar.

A change of clothes for you, just in case!

Reusable travel coffee cup & water bottle

First-aid kit

For you and your child. Any prescribed medications (check the instructions, if they need to be stored in a cool pack or not), painkillers (age-appropriate), thermometer, tweezers, antiseptic cream, insect bite cream and bandaids are all helpful first-aid items.

Choosing the size and style of your nappy bag is important too. Finding one that has multiple compartments to easily organise and access your essentials is helpful. A bag that can be used in different modes is also great if multiple family members are using it, as one person may prefer to carry it as a shoulder bag, and the other may prefer to wear it as a backpack.

The Redsbaby Nappy Bag is convenient and versatile, as it can easily convert from a shoulder bag to a backpack nappy bag, carry bag or tote bag!

Essentials for out and about


Essentials Nappy Bag

SHOP $129.95

Pram Organiser

SHOP $49.95
Grey Marle

Change Wallet

SHOP $49.95$24.95

Pram Rain Cover

SHOP $34.95

JIVE/METRO UPF50+ Sun & Sleep Shade – Bassinet

SHOP $29.95

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